Status List


The Rare Species Status List is the New York Natural Heritage Program's current assessment of the status of New York's rarest and most imperiled animal species. We have developed this list over the years in consultation with the Department of Environmental Conservation's Endangered Species and Nongame Units, NatureServe, researchers, conservation organizations, and knowledgeable amateur biologists. Population locations in our database are drawn from sources including museum specimens, personal contacts, and the scientific literature, and through extensive field research. This list is dynamic, meaning it changes as new discoveries are made or populations are lost.

Taxonomy and Nomenclature

Species typically have two sets of names: scientific and common. Scientific names follow standard nomenclatures specific to the different groups of animals. The scientific names of birds, for example, follow the standards set by the American Ornithologists' Union.

Common names are standardized in some cases, such as for birds, but are not as consistent across a species' geographic range as scientific names. Further, some species have not yet been given common names; in the list below, these species are flagged with general names, such as "A Bluet Damselfy" or "A Noctuid Moth".

State and Federal Listings

NY Natural Heritage tracks a selected subset of New York's animals. The species we track are chosen based on their degree of rarity or imperilment within the state, and as new information comes in, new species are sometimes added while others are discontinued. Information on the species and communities tracked by NY Natural Heritage are used for conservation, research, and regulatory purposes.

Many of the species tracked by NY Natural Heritage are listed as "endangered" or "threatened" under the state Environmental Conservation Law (E.C.L.). Listing is a legal process that is conducted by the state agency with authority over the species in question, and for animals confers important protection requirements. See the List Of Endangered, Threatened And Special Concern Fish and Wildlife Species Of New York State for all state-listed animals.

The DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources has jurisdiction over rare animal species listed as "endangered", "threatened", or "special concern" under E.C.L. §11-0535. Animals listed as endangered or threatened receive notable legal protection, as it is illegal to take or possess any of these species or their parts without a permit from DEC. Species of special concern warrant attention and consideration but current information does not justify listing them as either endangered or threatened.

A subset of the animal species listed under New York state law is also recognized under federal law. These species are so seriously imperiled across their entire range that they face the very real prospect of extinction. Species are listed as federally endangered or threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in consultation with state agencies and other experts, and the Service works closely with DEC on the protection of federally listed species in New York.

Ultimately, protection of New York's biodiversity lies with landowners and land managers regardless of state or federal listings. How private and public landowners manage their properties will determine what species and natural communities persist into the future. This situation is both a great opportunity and a serious challenge.

State legal listings are identified with the following codes:

special concern

Federal legal listings are identified with the following codes:

listed endangered
listed threatened

Another state designation is Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN), which was developed as part of the state's wildlife action plan. In the following list, SGCN are coded as follows:

High-priority SGCN
Species of Potential Conservation Need

See the State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) for a list of the state's SGCN and definitions of the three categories.

Global and Subnational Conservation Status Ranks

NY Natural Heritage's statewide inventory efforts revolve around lists of rare species and all types of natural communities known to occur, or to have historically occurred, in the state. These lists are based on a variety of sources including museum collections, scientific literature, information from state and local government agencies, regional and local experts, and data from neighboring states.

Each rare species is assigned a rank based on its rarity, population trends, and threats. Like those in all state Natural Heritage Programs, NY Natural Heritage's ranking system assesses rarity at two geographic scales: global and state. The global rank (G-rank) reflects the status of a species or community throughout its range, whereas the subnational rank (S-rank) indicates its status within New York. Global ranks are maintained and updated by NatureServe, which coordinates the network of Natural Heritage programs. Both global and subnational ranks are usually based on the range of the species or community, the number of occurrences, the viability of the occurrences, and the vulnerability of the species or community around the globe or across the state. As new data become available, the ranks may be revised to reflect the most current information. Subspecific taxa are also assigned a taxon rank, which indicates the subspecies' rank throughout its range.

For the most part, global and subnational ranks follow a straightforward scale of 1 (rarest/most imperiled) to 5 (common/secure), as follows:

G1, S1
Critically Imperiled - Critically imperiled globally or in the state/province because of extreme rarity (often 5 or fewer occurrences) or because of some factor(s) such as very steep declines making it especially vulnerable to extinction or extirpation from the state/province.
G2, S2
Imperiled - Imperiled globally or in the state/province because of rarity due to very restricted range, very few populations (often 20 or fewer), steep declines, or other factors making it very vulnerable to global extinction or extirpation from the state/province.
G3, S3
Vulnerable - Vulnerable globally or in the state/province due to a restricted range, relatively few populations (often 80 or fewer), recent and widespread declines, or other factors making it vulnerable to extirpation.
G4, S4
Apparently Secure - Uncommon but not rare; some cause for long-term concern due to declines or other factors.
G5, S5
Secure - Common, widespread, and abundant globally or in the state/province.
G#G#, S#S#
Range Rank - A numeric range rank (e.g., S2S3) is used to indicate any range of uncertainty about the status of the species or community. Ranges cannot skip more than one rank (e.g., SU is used rather than S1S4).

There are some additional codes:

Presumed Extinct or Extirpated - Species is believed to be extinct in the wild (GX) or extirpated from the state/province (SX). Not located despite intensive searches of historical sites and other appropriate habitat, and virtually no likelihood that it will be rediscovered.
Possibly Extinct or Extirpated (Historical) - Species or community occurred historically in the state/province, and there is some possibility that it may be rediscovered. Its presence may not have been verified in the past 20-40 years. A species or community could become SH without such a 20-40-year delay if the only known occurrences in a the state/province were destroyed or if it had been extensively and unsuccessfully looked for. The SH rank is reserved for species for which some effort has been made to relocate occurrences, rather than simply using this status for all elements not known from verified extant occurrences.
Unrankable - Currently unrankable due to lack of information or due to substantially conflicting information about status or trends.
Not Applicable - A conservation status rank is not applicable because the species is not a suitable target for conservation activities.
Unranked - State/province conservation status not yet assessed.

Codes sometimes have qualifiers attached:

T1, T2, etc.
These ranks, which like global and subnational ranks run from 1 (most imperiled) to 5 (secure), are attached to global ranks to indicate the status of a subspecies or variety.
Indicates that the species, subspecies, or variety is in taxonomic dispute.
Inexact or Uncertain - Denotes inexact or uncertain numeric rank. (The ? qualifies the character immediately preceding it in the S-rank).
Nonbreeding - Conservation status refers to the non-breeding population of the species.
Breeding - Conservation status refers to the breeding population of the species in the nation or state/province.

Examples of ranks.
Global State Example Explanation
G5 S2 Devil Crawfish Common rangewide (G5), imperiled in NY (S2)
G3 S2 Bog Turtle Uncommon rangewide (G3), imperiled in NY (S2)
G5 S1S2 Swamp Darter Common rangewide (G5), uncertain whether critically imperiled (S1) or imperiled (S2) in NY
G5 S1S3 Watercress Snail Common rangewide, uncertain whether critically imperiled (S1), imperiled (S2), or uncommon (S3) NY
GH SX Shortnose Cisco Historical rangewide (GH), extirpated from NY (SX)
GU SH Black Lordithon Rove Beetle Insufficient information for ranking the species' rangewide status (GU), historical in NY (SH)
G4 S1? Chain Fern Borer Moth Apparently secure rangewide (G4), appears to be critically imperiled in NY (S1) but more information is needed (?)
G1G2 S1 Dwarf Wedgemussel Somewhere between critically imperiled (G1) and imperiled (G2) rangewide, critically imperiled in NY (S1)
G3G4 S1S3 Bird Dropping Moth Uncertain whether uncommon (G3) or apparently secure (G4) rangewide, uncertain whether critically imperiled (S1), imperiled (S2), or uncommon (S3) in NY
G5T2 S1 Karner Blue Butterfly The species is secure (G5) but the subspecies is imperiled rangewide (T2), the subspecies is critically imperiled in NY (S1)
G4T2T4 SH The Consort Underwing The species is apparently secure (G4) but the subspecies is either imperiled (T2), uncommon (T3), or apparently secure (T4) rangewide, the subspecies is historical in NY (SH)
G1Q S1 Bogbean Buckmoth Critically imperiled rangewide (G1) but the species is in taxonomic dispute (Q), critically imperiled in NY (S1)
G5 S3B,S1N Least Bittern Common rangewide (G5), breeding populations (B) are uncommon in NY (S3) while non-breeding populations (N) are critically imperiled (S1) (in this case, overwintering birds)
G5 S2S3B,S2N Bald Eagle Common rangewide (G5), breeding populations (B) are either imperiled (S2) or uncommon (S3) in NY, while non-breeding birds (N) are imperiled in NY

Heritage-Tracked Species

NY Natural Heritage tracks all species listed as endangered and threatened. While we track many of the species listed as being of special concern, a subset of special concern species are currently not rare or imperiled enough to merit tracking at our precise scale. In addition, we track many species that are biologically rare and imperiled (nearly all S1 and S2 species, and some S3 species), but that have not gone through the review process necessary for state listing.

Our program keeps two lists of rare animal species: the Active Inventory List and the Watch List. Species on the Active Inventory List are ones we currently track in our database; for the most part these are the most rare or most imperiled species in the state. Species on the Watch List are those that could become imperiled enough in the future to warrant being actively inventoried, or are ones for which we do not have enough data to determine whether they should be actively inventoried. The lists are dynamic, as S-ranks change with unearthed historical information, field inventories reveal new populations or local extirpations, and state and federal listings are updated.

Further, we are assessing the conservation status of new species groups, such as many marine taxa and insect pollinators, through ongoing projects that will undoubtedly add species to our lists. NY Natural Heritage currently tracks 474 animal species (plus six animal assemblages, which are extraordinarily rare, diverse, or abundant aggregations of multiple animal species). The balance of species among taxonomic groups reflects both the degree of imperilment of various taxa and the level of available knowledge about different groups.

Active Inventory List Watch List
Mammals 17 12
Birds 53 48
Reptiles 15 9
Amphibians 6 4
Fish 59 50
Freshwater Snails 14 10
Freshwater Mussels 38 3
Other Non-insect Invertebrates 5 0
Dragonflies and Damselflies 65 34
Beetles 15 4
Butterflies and Skippers 29 5
Moths 123 29
Other Insects 35 0
Total 474 208

Note: If a field is omitted, all possible values are included in the query.

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3,298 records returned. Download: .csv .latex .ods .xlsx
Scientific name Primary common name Class Order Family Global conservation status rank State conservation status rank Federal protection State protection Species of greatest conservation need Track status code Has guide NatureServe Explorer
Polycentropus remotus A Caddisfly Insecta
Polycentropodidae G5 SNR No link
Limnephilus parvulus Insecta
Limnephilidae G5 SNR No link
Leptocerus americanus A Caddisfly Insecta
Leptoceridae G5 SNR No link
Ceraclea alagma A Caddisfly Insecta
Leptoceridae G5 SNR No link
Polycentropus maculatus A Caddisfly Insecta
Polycentropodidae G5 SNR No link
Papilio appalachiensis Appalachian tiger swallowtail Insecta
(Butterflies, Skippers, and Moths)
Papilionidae G4 SNR No link
Brachycentrus nigrosoma Insecta
Brachycentridae G5 SNR No link
Mesodon thyroidus White-lip Globe Gastropoda
Stylommatophora Polygyridae G5 SNR No link
Agraylea multipunctata A Caddisfly Insecta
Hydroptilidae G5 SNR No link
Rhyacophila atrata A Caddisfly Insecta
Rhyacophilidae G5 SNR No link
Mystacides sepulchralis A Caddisfly Insecta
Leptoceridae G5 SNR No link
Lepidostoma bryanti A Caddisfly Insecta
Lepidostomatidae G5 SNR No link
Triaenodes tardus A Caddisfly Insecta
Leptoceridae G5 SNR No link
Psychomyia flavida A Caddisfly Insecta
Psychomyiidae G5 SNR No link
Agapetus pinatus Insecta
Glossosomatidae G5 SNR No link
Oxyloma peoriense Gastropoda
Stylommatophora Succineidae G4G5 SNR No link
Euchemotrema leai leai Gastropoda
Stylommatophora Polygyridae G5T5 SNR No link
Agarodes griseus A Caddisfly Insecta
Sericostomatidae G5 SNR No link
Nyctiophylax affinis A Caddisfly Insecta
Polycentropodidae G5 SNR No link
Sterna dougallii dougallii Roseate Tern Aves
(Gulls, Plovers, and Shorebirds)
(Terns, Gulls and Relatives)
G4T3 S1B Endangered Endangered No link
Calidris minutilla Least Sandpiper Aves
(Gulls, Plovers, and Shorebirds)
(Sandpipers, Snipes, and Relatives)
G5 SNRN Protected Bird No link
Poecile atricapillus Black-capped Chickadee Aves
(Perching Birds)
Paridae G5 S5 Protected Bird No link
Bairdiella chrysoura Silver Perch Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
(Perch-like Fishes)
(croakers and drums)
G5 SNRN No link
Sorex fumeus Smoky Shrew Mammalia
(Shrews, Moles and allies)
Soricidae G5 S5 No link
Lasiurus borealis Eastern Red Bat Mammalia
(Evening Bats and Vesper Bats)
G3G4 S3S4B Yes Yes link
Empidonax minimus Least Flycatcher Aves
(Perching Birds)
Tyrannidae G5 S5B Protected Bird No link
Catharus guttatus Hermit Thrush Aves
(Perching Birds)
G5 S5B Protected Bird No link
Aglais milberti Milbert's Tortoiseshell Insecta
(Butterflies, Skippers, and Moths)
(Brushfooted Butterflies)
G5 S5 No link
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Rudd Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
(Minnows and Suckers)
(minnows and carps)
G5 SNA No link
Napaeozapus insignis Woodland Jumping Mouse Mammalia
Dipodidae G5 S5 No link
Prionotus evolans Striped Searobin Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
(Sculpins and Scorpion Fishes)
G5 SNRN No link
Pheucticus ludovicianus Rose-breasted Grosbeak Aves
(Perching Birds)
(Cardinal-Grosbeaks, Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Saltators)
G5 S5B Protected Bird No link
Stercorarius parasiticus Parasitic Jaeger Aves
(Gulls, Plovers, and Shorebirds)
(skuas and jaegers)
G5 SNRN Protected Bird No link
Microtus pinetorum Woodland Vole Mammalia
Cricetidae G5 S5 No link
Zenaida asiatica White-winged Dove Aves
Columbiformes Columbidae G5 SNA Protected Bird No link
Delphinus delphis Short-beaked Saddleback Dolphin Mammalia
(Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises)
Delphinidae G5 S4 No link
Aythya fuligula Tufted Duck Aves
Anatidae G5 SNA Protected Bird - Game with open season No link
Fundulus majalis Striped Killifish Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
G5 SNRN Yes (potential) No link
Rhodeus sericeus Bitterling Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
(Minnows and Suckers)
(minnows and carps)
G5 SNA No link
Ammodramus leconteii Le Conte's Sparrow Aves
(Perching Birds)
Passerellidae G5 SNA Protected Bird No link
Cyprinodon variegatus Sheepshead Minnow Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
G5 SNRN No link
Myiarchus crinitus Great Crested Flycatcher Aves
(Perching Birds)
Tyrannidae G5 S5B Protected Bird No link
Vireo olivaceus Red-eyed Vireo Aves
(Perching Birds)
Vireonidae G5 S5B Protected Bird No link
Ammodytes americanus American Sand Lance Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
(Perch-like Fishes)
(sand lances)
G5 SNRN No link
Chondestes grammacus Lark Sparrow Aves
(Perching Birds)
Passerellidae G5 SNRN Protected Bird No link
Numenius borealis Eskimo Curlew Aves
(Gulls, Plovers, and Shorebirds)
(Sandpipers, Snipes, and Relatives)
GH SXN Endangered Endangered No link
Cyprinus carpio Common Carp Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
(Minnows and Suckers)
(minnows and carps)
G5 SNA No link
Salvelinus namaycush Lake Trout Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
(Salmon and Trout)
(Salmon and Trouts)
G5 S5 Game with open season Yes No link
Cepphus grylle Black Guillemot Aves
(Gulls, Plovers, and Shorebirds)
Alcidae G5 SNRN Protected Bird No link
Dactylopterus volitans Flying Gurnard Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
(Sculpins and Scorpion Fishes)
(Flying gurnards)
G5 SNA No link
Lithobates septentrionalis Mink Frog Amphibia
(Frogs and Toads)
(True Frogs)
G5 S5 Game with open season Yes (potential) No link
Lithobates sylvaticus Wood Frog Amphibia
(Frogs and Toads)
(True Frogs)
G5 S5 Game with open season No link
Larus delawarensis Ring-billed Gull Aves
(Gulls, Plovers, and Shorebirds)
(Terns, Gulls and Relatives)
G5 S4 Protected Bird No link
Limenitis archippus Viceroy Insecta
(Butterflies, Skippers, and Moths)
(Brushfooted Butterflies)
G5 S5 No link
Calidris himantopus Stilt Sandpiper Aves
(Gulls, Plovers, and Shorebirds)
(Sandpipers, Snipes, and Relatives)
G5 SNRN Protected Bird No link
Sitta carolinensis White-breasted Nuthatch Aves
(Perching Birds)
Sittidae G5 S5 Protected Bird No link
Acanthis flammea Common Redpoll Aves
(Perching Birds)
Fringillidae G5 SNRN Protected Bird No link
Passerella iliaca Fox Sparrow Aves
(Perching Birds)
Passerellidae G5 SNRN Protected Bird No link
Diadophis punctatus Ring-necked Snake Reptilia
(Lizards, Snakes and Amphisbaenians)
(Colubrid Snakes)
G5 S5 Game with no open season No link
Cicindela repanda Bronzed Tiger Beetle Insecta
(Beetles, Weevils)
(Ground Beetles)
G5 S5 No link
Acerpenna pygmaea A Mayfly Insecta
Baetidae G5 SNR No link
Conger oceanicus Conger Eel Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
(conger eels)
G5 SNA No link
Rissa tridactyla Black-legged Kittiwake Aves
(Gulls, Plovers, and Shorebirds)
(Terns, Gulls and Relatives)
G5 SNRN Protected Bird No link
Quiscalus quiscula Common Grackle Aves
(Perching Birds)
Icteridae G5 S5B Protected Bird No link
Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow Aves
(Perching Birds)
Hirundinidae G5 S5B Protected Bird No link
Ambystoma jeffersonianum Jefferson Salamander Amphibia
(Mole Salamanders)
G4 S4 Special Concern Yes (potential) No link
Merluccius bilinearis Silver Hake Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
(merluccid hakes)
G5 SNRN No link
Vermivora cyanoptera Blue-winged Warbler Aves
(Perching Birds)
G5 S5B Protected Bird Yes No link
Bubo virginianus Great Horned Owl Aves
(Typical Owls)
G5 S5 Protected Bird No link
Morone americana White Perch Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
(Perch-like Fishes)
(Temperate Basses)
G5 S4 No link
Stenella coeruleoalba Striped Dolphin Mammalia
(Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises)
Delphinidae G5 SNRN No link
Numenius americanus Long-billed Curlew Aves
(Gulls, Plovers, and Shorebirds)
(Sandpipers, Snipes, and Relatives)
G5 SNA Protected Bird No link
Lestes inaequalis Elegant Spreadwing Insecta
(Dragonflies and Damselflies)
G5 S5 No link
Eptesicus fuscus Big Brown Bat Mammalia
(Evening Bats and Vesper Bats)
G5 S5 No link
Lethe appalachia Appalachian Eyed Brown Insecta
(Butterflies, Skippers, and Moths)
(Brushfooted Butterflies)
G5 S4 No link
Satyrium liparops Striped Hairstreak Insecta
(Butterflies, Skippers, and Moths)
(Blues, Coppers, Hairstreaks, Elfins)
G5 SNR No link
Bucephala islandica Barrow's Goldeneye Aves
Anatidae G5 SNRN Protected Bird - Game with open season No link
Surnia ulula Northern Hawk Owl Aves
(Typical Owls)
G5 SNRN Protected Bird No link
Oreochromis mossambicus Mozambique Tilapia Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
(Perch-like Fishes)
G5 SNA No link
Calidris melanotos Pectoral Sandpiper Aves
(Gulls, Plovers, and Shorebirds)
(Sandpipers, Snipes, and Relatives)
G5 SNRN Protected Bird No link
Piranga ludoviciana Western Tanager Aves
(Perching Birds)
(Cardinal-Grosbeaks, Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Saltators)
G5 SNA Protected Bird No link
Actitis macularius Spotted Sandpiper Aves
(Gulls, Plovers, and Shorebirds)
(Sandpipers, Snipes, and Relatives)
G5 S5B Protected Bird No link
Coccyzus americanus Yellow-billed Cuckoo Aves
Cuculiformes Cuculidae
(Cuckoos and allies)
G5 S5B Protected Bird No link
Stelgidopteryx serripennis Northern Rough-winged Swallow Aves
(Perching Birds)
Hirundinidae G5 S5B Protected Bird No link
Sciurus carolinensis Eastern Gray Squirrel Mammalia
(Squirrels and Allies)
G5 S5 Game with open season No link
Icterus spurius Orchard Oriole Aves
(Perching Birds)
Icteridae G5 S4B Protected Bird No link
Lestes rectangularis Slender Spreadwing Insecta
(Dragonflies and Damselflies)
G5 S5 No link
Sympetrum semicinctum Band-winged Meadowhawk Insecta
(Dragonflies and Damselflies)
G5 S4S5 No link
Tympanuchus cupido Heath Hen Aves
(Fowls and Gallinaceous Birds)
(Turkeys, Grouse, Pheasants, and Partridges)
G4 SX No link
Spizella pusilla Field Sparrow Aves
(Perching Birds)
Passerellidae G5 S5B Protected Bird No link
Delphinapterus leucas Beluga Mammalia
(Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises)
Monodontidae G5 SNA No link
Lanius ludovicianus migrans Migrant Loggerhead Shrike Aves
(Perching Birds)
G4T3Q S1B Endangered No link
Sphoeroides maculatus Northern Puffer Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
Tetraodontiformes Tetraodontidae
G5 SNRN Yes No link
Catostomus commersonii White Sucker Actinopterygii
(Ray-finned Fishes)
(Minnows and Suckers)
G5 S5 No link
Scolopax minor American Woodcock Aves
(Gulls, Plovers, and Shorebirds)
(Sandpipers, Snipes, and Relatives)
G5 S5B Protected Bird - Game with open season Yes No link
Carduelis carduelis European Goldfinch Aves
(Perching Birds)
Fringillidae G5 SNA No link
Branta leucopsis Barnacle Goose Aves
Anatidae G4G5 SNA Protected Bird - Game with open season No link
Papaipema furcata Ash Borer Moth Insecta
(Butterflies, Skippers, and Moths)
(Owlet Moths)
G4 SNR No link
Calcarius lapponicus Lapland Longspur Aves
(Perching Birds)
(Longspurs and Snow Buntings)
G5 SNRN Protected Bird No link
Bos bison American Bison Mammalia
(Even-toed Hoofed Mammals)
Bovidae G4 SX No link